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Your Journey Starts Here
Transform Your Skills, Build Your Future, Lead Your Community!
Choose from a variety of courses that guide you through skill development, leadership training, and community impact.
Course Prices: $25.00 ~ $49.00 each

Learn critical decision-making and collaboration strategies.
The SIP Certification course helps you master strategies to research, design, plan, coordinate, and evaluate solutions for complex challenges. This course equips you with the tools to become a strategic thinker and problem-solver.
Featured eGift Card:
The STEAM Investigative Process
Courses Include:
The Strategist Mindset, SIP Roadmap, SIP Grid

Apply your skills to real-world challenges.
The Money Guide for Young Entrepreneurs and The Stakeholder's Dilemma Canvas Model courses help you build financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills, and business acumen with hands-on lessons that prepare you to manage and grow impactful projects.
Featured eGift card:
The SIP Approach To Critical Thinking (SIP Grid)
Courses Include:
Money management strategies, value mapping, and entrepreneurial planning

Measure impact and achieve mastery through advanced projects.
The Build For Your Future course is a step-by-step guide to prepare you for college, career, and community reinvestment through competitive service-learning projects, pre-apprenticeships and career-building opportunities.
Featured eGift Cards:
The Strategist Mindset
Course Include:
Modules for skill-building, project execution, and ROI tracking
Don't forget to order these learning tools!
Activity Worksheets
THE MONEY GUIDE FOR YOUNG ENTPRENEURSActivity Workbook, Toolkit & Online Courses Dubbed...
Lesson Plans
THE MONEY GUIDE FOR YOUNG ENTPRENEURSActivity Workbook, Toolkit & Online Courses Dubbed...
Skills Self Assessment Tools
About The Game Are You Ready To Play? The Community On Demand™...